Adobe MAX

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Annie Atkins – Main speaker at Adobe MAX’s London Creativity Conference

Annie MAX

Last October, Annie was one of the experts at Adobe MAX’s Creativity Conference in Los Angeles, where she talked about working in films, how to get it right, and what to do if it goes wrong. Evidently, she was a hit which is why she’s been invited back for Adobe MAX The Creativity Conference, this time in London. And she’ll be the main speaker. The event takes place on 23 April at Evolution London in Battersea Park. It’s an opportunity to meet other creatives and learn from talks given by the likes of illustrator and designer Tony Harmer, Head of Solutions Consulting at Adobe Bart Van de Wiele, Senior Design Evangelist at Adobe Kladi Vergine, and Adobe Express Evangelist Lucy Street, as well as Annie.

You can find out more and register at their website.