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All together now – Matt Blease and G Suite

Matt Blease has recently collaborated with Google for their launch of G Suite, via Anomaly New York.

G Suite is a set of intelligent apps created to encourage more business collaboration. It includes G Mail, Docs, Drive, Calendar, Hangouts, and is designed to aid communication and sharing between employees, with real-time collaboration built in from the start. Information can flow freely between devices, apps, people and teams, allowing new ideas to flourish without being lost in hidden corners.

Google teamed up with several illustrators to bring their idea to life, including Matt. Matt took inspiration from the idea of refusing to be limited by our silos, to create a moving image piece that illustrates people literally breaking free of their work silos, and finding creative new ways to join together.

Matt clearly enjoyed working on the project: “It was an honour to be invited to work with such an iconic name, one I see on my computer screen every day. And to find myself featured alongside other artists whose work I admire. Great fun.”

Not that Matt’s ever been one to sit tight in a silo. So, let’s see whether he makes use of this new technology himself to leap into new collaborations. Watch this space.